Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Why Muschamp was the Right Choice for Florida


      Even after a disappointing loss to an overrated Georgia team it's easy to see that Florida picked the right man for the job!  Will Muschamp has the Baby Gators on the right path turning an undisciplined finesse bunch into a physical hard nosed football team that can compete at an elite level.  The Gators are still in transition but the difference in Muschamp's second year is obvious and the future very promising!

     Taking over for Urban Meyer was tough in terms of expectations, but even tougher than expected because of the fragmented nature in which Meyer left the Florida program.  Muschamp was left with the remnants of an offense that simply didn't work anymore against the power brokers of the SEC.  He also had to deal with cleaning up a program in which numerous players had run ins with the law.  He had a rebuilding job to say the least in which he had refocus the program on a new formula to return the Gators to the top of the SEC.  Instead of a trash talking, individual based superstar culture, Muschamp adopted a concept that focused on the TEAM.  Instead of praising the glory of individual players, he focused on TEAM accomplishments.  No longer would one player dominate the headlines in Gainesville, instead the TEAM would be the story!  No longer in victory would one player's accomplishments be celebrated or in defeat one players' tears suffered!....Now that Gators celebrate and suffer as a TEAM! 

     Even though the job is not complete it's easy to see why the Gators will once again be the best TEAM in the east.  With a pretentious Georgia program and a South Carolina program that has seem to reach its full potential, Florida is well on its way to SEC East dominance.  The funny thing is he has done in two years what the Texas program is still struggling to figure out!

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